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Top Tips To Keep Your Garage Secure

Keeping your home safe and secure is of paramount importance, so it’s no wonder why various tricks and technologies are always popping up to help homeowners keep their properties secure. Windows and doors are always at the forefront of home security planning, but what about your garage?

Whether it’s joined to the main property or if it sits at the far end of your back garden, your garage needs to be as secure as possible. Taking steps to keep your garage locked down will stop intruders from entering your property and will prevent them from getting their hands on your valuables.

Use the top tips in this guide to work on improving your garage’s security and to boost the overall level of protections across your property.

Install a garage defender

Garage defenders are a range of locks that have been tested and approved by the relevant associations, as a recommended way to secure your garage. One part of the unit is installed into the ground and the other is attached to the garage door. Together, the two parts work to prevent the door’s tilt action from occurring.

Add some garage door bolt locks

Bolt locks work by moving shootbolts in and out of a surface surrounding the garage door. They provide some of the sturdiest levels of protection against intruders and can be fitted either horizontally or vertically, whichever way best fits your garage door.

Some bolt locks are designed to fit certain types of garage door, whilst others are universal and intended for any type of door. Make sure to double check if the lock you are buying is suitable for your own particular garage door, to ensure optimal protection against intruders.

Consider installing frosted windows

If your garage has windows that allow passers by to take a peek inside, think about making them frosted so that your valuable cannot be seen easily. You can do this by either adding some opaque privacy vinyl to your existing windows, or by replacing them entirely with pre-frosted glass.

You may also want to think about adding some extra level of security to your windows, such as window restrictors or even decorative but sturdy bars across the glass. This will further prevent intruders from being able to easily make their way into your property.

Keep the garage door fob in the house

It’s very common for homeowners to leave their garage door fob either in their car or in the garage itself, simply for convenience rather than anything else. However, this provides intruders easy access to your garage and could ruin all other attempts to keep your garage secure.

This worry is easily resolved by getting into the habit of leaving the garage door fob inside the house when it is not being used.

Install a garage alarm

Keep yourself and your family alert of any intruders trying to enter your property, by installing a garage alarm. When in use, they are activated by sensing any motions throughout the space. That way, you’ll know when someone is in the garage when they shouldn’t be, through the loud, high-pitched sound that the alarm will make.

Alarms are a great way to detect intruders without coming across them yourself, so you’ll be aware of intruders whilst also keeping you and the family safe.

Introduce motion sensor lights

Warn potential intruders off your property by introducing motion sensor lights to your garage. These lights will activate when an individual walks close up to your garage, and should scare the majority of chancers away. Motion sensor lights will also work hand in hand with your garage alarm to alert you when anyone approaches the garage when they shouldn’t be.

Consider replacing your garage door

If your garage door is old, tired and weak, it will be much more susceptible to damage and break ins. Think about investing in a brand new garage door, one with stronger materials and with a more durable frame, so that you can feel safe in the knowledge that you’re doing everything you can to protect your home and its contents.

If you have any of your own top tips for keeping a garage secure, please feel free to share them with us and our other readers.

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